The reason I want to become a published Middle Grade and children’s fiction author.

Starfelled Ink
2 min readApr 11, 2021

( This is the blog post form of a Twitter thread I made. I’ll put the original thread below. I’ve also fixed some typos and bad punctuation.)

Original Thread

I’ve said a lot of different reasons to a lot of different people about why I want to be an author. Such as, I think writing is interesting and I want to it for a living or because I want to see my name in print, but I’ve realised I’ve never actually said the main reason.

And the main reason I want to be a MG and children’s author’s that I know just how powerful books can be. Books have broadened by mind, books have taught me many things, books have transported me to awesome fictional worlds. Any more than anything books have taught me to dream.

I, sadly can’t remember the names of many books or the names of their authors that I’ve read. I remember the contents though. Also mostly of the copies have broken down because I have never been able to just read a book. I have to read it and bring everywhere and tell

everyone I knew about the book. When I was lonely, sad or just felt like an alienated weird kid, I had books and I had writing. I could create whole fictional worlds, play around with tropes. I could read story after story about my favourite character, imagine settings and

And spend hours going over plots and making headcanons and writing from different POVs and connected odd parts of canon to each other. When I look back on my life books have definitely enriched it.

I remember the day, I was in the library and I found a book, with a girl with my name as the MC! I remember many successive books with kids like me as heroes, and interesting characters a few years later. I remember running home and telling everyone I could find that the MC was

like me! And it was written by someone like me! Up till then I never thought I would read a book about someone from my own background. And I was determined to be like that author. I want to live in a world where everyone can tell their own stories.

And see themselves in media.

This unexpectedly became a thread. I’ll add some stuff to it and add the thread in blog post form later.

